The Future of Fear is Female
Jessica's Monthly Pick: My Best Friend’s Exorcism
The Rise of the Female Vampire
Kelly's August Pick: Let the Right One In (2008)
LSJTD: The Human Centipede (2009)
Midsommar: A Cautionary Tale
The Vulnerability of the Female Corpse
LSJTD: Goodnight Mommy (2014) - FAN PICK!
Jessica's July Pick - BLISS (2019)
Il Demonio (1963)
Kelly’s Taboo Terrors: Blood Feast (1963) & American Guinea Pig: Sacrifice (2017)
Kelly's June Pick: Psycho (1960)
LSJTD: Inside (2007)
Canadian IS a Genre: Wolfcop, Another Wolfcop, and the Joy of the Cult Film
Kelly's Taboo Terrors: Beyond Horror: The History and Subculture of Red Films (2019)
Jessica's May Pick - Bitten (2001)
LSJTD: Tusk (2014)
The Aesthetics of Witches : It's not so black and white... magic
How Does a Spinster Survive the Pandemic?
Kelly's Taboo Terrors: The Woman (2011)
My Ode to Spooky Women - Kelly's April Pick